Year 2
Every day is filled with wonderful opportunities for children to develop their faith and relationship with God. On this page, you will see wonderful examples of Catholic Life and Religious Education for Year 2 at St. John the Baptist
Prayer Focus
Children are offered the chance to pray (structured and spontaneous) throughout the day at St. John the Baptist. Here is a photo of our class focal point during Lent where the School Mission Statement is proudly displayed, alongside our key vocabulary and children’s work.
Surrounding the focal point are copies of our school's formal prayers. Children are encouraged to learn these formal prayers off by heart (these can be found in the 'Our Faith' page of our school website). Each focal point also has it's own ‘I Wonder’ board offering children the chance to have their questions answered by Father Michael. This is a very special area of our classroom and children are encouraged to use this as often as they wish.
Our Virtues
Each half term at St. John the Baptist we work hard to live our lives following Gospel Virtues.
These virtues form an integral part of school life. We learn about them during our collective worship sessions in class, RE lessons, whole school assemblies. During our weekly celebration assembly, children from each class who have been nominated (by staff or their peers) receive the Virtues Award.
See the Virtues Certificate winners form Year 2 below.
Mission Weeks
Through the year at St. John the Baptist we celebrate our mission statement of ‘We prepare the way by Loving, Living and Learning with the Lord’ through three mission weeks. During these weeks classes get a chance to explore what our mission means to them and how we can live it out in our daily lives so that we can be closer to God. See some of our activities from our mission weeks below.
Collective Worship
A special part of daily life at St. John the Baptist is our time in Collective Worship. During these sessions, children have the opportunity to share in prayer, offer prayer intentions, hear Bible stories, meditate and reflect on how they can use the word of God in their own lives. These are offered as a whole school, Key Stage and class throughout the week. We also offer our parents and parishioners to join us for collective worship throughout the year. Here is a picture of Year 1 and Year 2’s shared workshop.
I Wonder Board
You will find our 'I Wonder' board displayed by our classroom focal point. On this board you will find a wide range of deep, thought-provoking and reverent questions that children have either responded to or thought of. This is a wonderful chance for children to share their ideas and also allow us to discuss questions about our faith that may be difficult to answer. Father Michael is invited in the hope that he can answer some of our questions.
Prayer Garden
A wonderful quiet, prayful and serene area at St. John the Baptist can be found in our very special Prayer Garden. Throughout the year, we plan many opportunities (often during Collective Worship and Religious Education sessions) for children to visit the Prayer Garden to reflect and pray in the quietness and openness of the outdoor area.
Amazing Work
Here at St. John the Baptist we love to offer or amazing work to God. We always ensure that we think carefully about our answers and present our work beautifully so that it is something we are very proud of. See some of our amazing R.E work below.